Jean Stern
Former member of Libération and La Tribune, Jean Stern is a contributor to La Chronique d’Amnesty International. He published in 2012 Les Patrons de la presse nationale, tous mauvais (La Fabrique), and in 2017 Mirage gay à Tel Aviv (Libertalia).
[Reporting Palestine: In the West Bank, free rein for settler brutality Jean Stern · 27 January While Gaza began to breathe again the day after the ceasefire went into effect, the nightmare continues in the rural areas and small towns of the West Bank: hundreds of dead, thousands of attacks, vicious looting. The harassment by settlers drunk on their impunity is terrifying. As a member of a (…) -
From Tel Aviv to Haifa: ‘Do you believe this is the end of Israel?’ Jean Stern · May 2024 After six months of war in Gaza, Israeli opinion is wracked with fear, wondering about what comes next in a country where the messianic far right is agitating in favour of ethnic cleansing. As for the left, it is hard-pressed to find its way, while the public freedoms of Israeli Palestinians are (…) -
In Palestine, Rebellious Nablus Refuses to Bow Down Jean Stern · April 2024 Cut off from the world by the occupation, hemmed in by the many colonies, this big city in the northern West Bank looks on sorrowfully while Gazan society is demolished by the Israeli army. Nablus embodies a certain art of living but also the spirit of Palestinian resistance, and its population (…) -
Gaza: Serious Static on the Line in the French communist Party Jean Stern · February 2024 Many French Communists are worried about what they see as the squeamishness of their party’s riposte since 7 October. And they also say that if a part of their leadership is adopting a low profile on solidarity with Gaza, it is mostly to prepare the membership for a change of line in the (…) -
Israeli-Apartheid: Over-View on the Left Jean Stern · April 2022 Of course, the war in Ukraine and the economic and environmental situations are the mainstays of the campaigns being conducted by the three principal left-wing candidates, Jean-Luc Melenchon, Fabien Roussel and Yannick Jadot. However, the recent NGO reports describing the existence in Israel and (…) -
Investigation Israel-Palestine: Emmanuel Macron on the Way to Jerusalem Jean Stern · March 2022 In the wake of the Abraham Accords, the outgoing president of the French Republic, a fan of Israel, fascinated by that start-up nation, could bring about a change in his country’s historic option in favour of the two-State solution. Several countries involved in these accords are allies of (…) -
French Jews Split Over Zemmour Jean Stern · October 2021 The probable candidacy in next year’s presidential election of the man who promotes the fear of the “great replacement” has produced a shock wave in the French Jewish community. Many Jews are saying they will vote for Eric Zemmour, to the dismay of their community leaders. This may well be a (…) -
Rigged Match in the Media Ring Jean Stern · May 2021 Current events show it once again: caught between the bullying tactics of a handful of hyped-up Israel admirers and faint-hearted newsrooms, it takes iron willpower—or an independent news organ—to cover current events in Israel-Palestine. The violent attacks suffered by Charles Enderlin after (…) -
How Israel Is Developing Scorpion, At the Heart of France’s Future System of Defence Jean Stern · March 2021 In utter secrecy, French and Israeli military personnel and engineers are cooperating in view of the wars of the future, associating digital command, drones and robots, even though the two countries are competitors on the arms market, especially in Africa.
While France is the world’s (…) -
Elnet.Visit Israel, its Settlements, its Surveillance Technologies... Jean Stern · January 2021 Elnet is an European network with branches in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Warsaw. Its goal is to strengthen ties between France and Israel by targeting leaders, businessmen and elected officials. A discreet and well-funded structure, its activities consist in selling Israel like a (…) -
Investigation Criticism of Israel Stifled by the Law of Silence Jean Stern · January 2021 Today, criticising Israel in France is frankly a dangerous enterprise which on the face of it seems to be a great success for those who are busy trying to delegitimise any and every questioning of the Israeli government’s policies. The keynote? Forget the fate of the Palestinians and celebrate (…) -
Investigation An Omerta With a Long History Jean Stern · January 2021 Because the expression “Jewish lobby” is associated with the pre-war anti-Semitism of the far right, the use of the word lobby in connection with “friends of Israel” is controversial. Some prefer the term “circles of influence,” or formal and informal networks, but everyone agrees that over the (…) -
Investigation France-Israel. Lobby or Not Lobby? Jean Stern · January 2021 Is Israel winning the battle of influence in France? It is easy to believe it is. Before the pandemic, our elected officials flocked to Jerusalem, paying tribute to “the only democracy in the Middle East” before taking a tour of the colonies. Corporate leaders waxed enthusiastic over the hi-tech (…) -
Israeli Society Sick With Rape Jean Stern · September 2020 A 16-year-old girl was raped by some 30 men in a hotel at Eilat. Some of them filmed the scene and posted it on the social networks. This gang rape shocked the whole country and prompted an unprecedented mobilisation. In addition to their anger, some feminists began to wonder about the sources (…) -
Facebook Recruits an Israeli Censorship Expert Jean Stern · June 2020 Facebook’s new global Oversight Board, tasked with ruling on content ethics, has the former director-general of Israel’s Justice Ministry as one of its 20 members. Emi Palmor had set up a cyber unit in charge of monitoring and censoring Palestinian social media posts, on the orders of the (…) -
Series “Our Boys,” a Clever Israeli TV Mystification Jean Stern · April 2020 Based on the murder of a Palestinian teenager by three Israeli settlers in the early summer of 2014, the Israeli series Our Boys is carried by strong scripting and excellent acting. But by focusing on a single victim of criminals from the religious extreme right, it ends up ignoring the fate of (…)