Jean Michel Morel
Writer, ex cultural mediator.
Turkey: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Goes for Broke Jean Michel Morel · December 2022 The bomb that exploded in the centre of Istanbul on 13 November 2022 gave President Erdoğan a pretext to crack down viciously on the Kurds in view of his coming bid for re-election seven months from now. But the incumbent president seems to have gained nothing by this. Political and economic (…) -
In the United States, the Terrorist Threat is Home-Grown and White Jean Michel Morel · September 2021 Twenty years after 9/11, the USA must face the facts: the main danger the country has to deal with is not posed by extremists affiliated with some so-called “axis of evil” but by terrorists born and raised in its bosom and sometimes enrolled in that army it sends to the far corners of the world (…) -
Turkey. The power structure’s crackdown on the “enemy within” Jean Michel Morel · July 2021 At the same time as Turkey develops a foreign policy of all-out interventionism, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s regime has launched a campaign against the “enemy within”, threatens to curtail women’s rights and is using its control of the water supply to eradicate the Kurds.
In March 2021, (…) -
Turkey and Iran Face Off… But Pull Their Punches Jean Michel Morel · March 2021 As their regional ambitions grow clearer every day, relations seem to be deteriorating between the two former empires that dream of recovering their lost grandeur. And Turkey is obviously responsible for the climate of tension with Iran.
“Zero problems with our neighbours”: the famous (…) -
Interview Afghanistan Peace Talks: From Deadlock to Deadlock Georges Lefeuvre, Jean Michel Morel · November 2020 The negotiations in Qatar between the Taliban and a delegation from Kabul are meant, in the words of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to “reconcile the country.” While Trump would like to withdraw completely, Putin is waiting for just that and there are still many unanswered questions about the (…)