Ilhem Rachidi
Journalist for French-speaking (Mediapart, Rue89) and English-speaking (The Christian Science Monitor, Toward Freedom, Al-Monitor) newspapers. Has written extensively on protest movements and human rights.
The Late Freedom of Expression in Morocco Ilhem Rachidi · June 2018 The policy of openness that followed the emergence of the February 20 Movement in 2011 did not last long. Once again freedoms are curtailed, demonstrators thrown into prison, to such an extent that certain activists come to regret the last years of Hassan II’s reign.
Seen from afar, Morocco (…) -
In Morocco, Hotbeds of Protest Are Not Being Extinguished Ilhem Rachidi · April 2018 Strikes and social disputes followed one another in Morocco, from the Rif to Jerada, without repression succeeding in overcoming them completely. But these movements are struggling to unite, even if we can see in these mobilizations the fallout of the February 20 Movement that shook the country (…)