Bayram Balci
Director of the French Institute of Anatolian Studies (IFEA), Istanbul. He holds a degree in political science and Arab-Islamic civilization from the institutes of Political Studies of Grenoble and Aix-en-Provence. He is qualified to direct research and works on political and religious transformations in the Turkish region (Turkey, Caucasus and Central Asia).
- Turkey’s Impossible Choice Between Ukraine and Russia Bayram Balci · March 2022 The Russian military intervention in Ukraine is not just another case of simple aggression: it has unleashed a new European confrontation unprecedented since the end of the Cold War. All the countries around Russia and Ukraine are directly affected. That includes Turkey, which has strong (…)
- The Uyghur Tragedy: An Embarrassment for Turkey Bayram Balci · October 2019 An ethnic group close to the Turks through religion, language and ethnicity, the Uighurs of China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region are subjected to fierce and systematic repression which, with almost international indifference, has already placed more than one million of its members in “re-education (…)
- Turkey-Tunisia, Two Experiences of “Islamist Power” Bayram Balci · February 2019 The new century has seen the rise to power of political parties of the Islamist persuasion, both in Turkey and the Arab world. The most successful examples are the Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Ennahdha in Tunisia. A comparison between these two experiences can be enlightening. (…)
- Turkey Places Too Much Hope in Trump Bayram Balci · March 2017 Donald Trump’s election was favourably greeted in Ankara. Turkish-American relations had seriously deteriorated during the Obama presidency. Yet it is unlikely that Washington will modify its policies on the Syrian issue (and specifically its support for the Kurds), go back to its refusal to (…)